10 Oktober 2008

MATURITY (growing up or just getting older?)

Ann Landers was a popular columnist who was read by millions all over the world. Almost every day sacks of mail were delivered to her from people who came from different parts of the globe, no matter what their age, statusor profesioan might be.
Some of letters dealt with serious problems, ther with simpler ones, and each was answered in a straightforward, matter-of-fact way.
Whether the problem was large or small, Ann landers gave it her undivided attention. She realized that each problem was af utmost importance to the letter writer and that the reply was needed. One thing that was common in most of these letters was that the writer had a problem with which he could not cope. And, In many cases, the inability to cope was resilt of immaturity.

Reaching the age of eighteen-in many countries the official age for adulthood-is not guarantee of maturity. Maturity, according to Ann Landers, is not regulated by the calendar. In other words, what she was saying was that a number of us have never grown up, that countless individuals who may be financial and professional giants are, in many respects, still emotional midgets. in her own words, the fact that a man has replaced his tumb with a cigar is no proof that he is grown.
Here are some of her definitions of maturity:
1. Maturity is ability to control anger and settle differences without violation or destruction.
2. Maturity is patience, the willingness to pass up immediate pleasure in favor of the long term gain.
3. Maturity is perseverance, sweating out a project in spite of opposition and discouraging setbacks.
4. Maturity, is unselfishness, responding to the needs of others.
5. Maturity is capability to face unpleasantness and disappointment without becoming bitter.
6. Maturity is humility. A mature person is able to say, “I’m wrong”. He/she is also say “I’m sorry”. And when he/she is proved right, he/she doesn’t have to say ”I told you so”.
7. Maturity means dependability, integrity, keeping one’s word. The immature have exuses for everything. They are chronically tardy, the no-shows, the gutless wonder who fold in a crises. Their lives are a maze of broken promises, unfinished business and former friends.
8. maturity is the ability to live in peace with that which we cannot change.

(Adapted from READER’S DIGEST)

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